Industry Use Cases

Solving The Real-Value Adding Business Problems Using Artificial Intelligence And Computer Vision

Explore our collection of substantial business use cases that DeepLobe can solve by leveraging Computer Vision.

deeplobe computer vision retail


Customer Demographics

Analyze real-time customer behavior, product choices, user demographics, etc.

deeplobe computer vision banking


Document Classification

Automatic data extraction from scanned invoices and documents

deeplobe computer vision insurance


Virtual Damage Inspection

Virtually inspecting the client claims to offer the best suitable policies.

deeplobe computer vision real estate


Track Imagery Changes

Real-time monitoring and tracking the progress of projects virtually.

deeplobe computer vision healthcare


Medical Transcripts

To assist with reading and recording medical transcripts digitally.

deeplobe computer vision medical technology


Realtime Liveness Detection

To gauge a student’s level of engagement in the virtual classrooms.

deeplobe computer vision manufacturing


Automated Visual Inspection

Visually inspect the machinery and assembly line to detect defective parts.

deeplobe computer vision fashion


Smart Mirrors

Virtually checking out the outfits and accessories without testing them in real.

deeplobe computer vision ecommerce


Automatic Tagging

Product tagging enables adding categories, features, and tags to the dashboard.

deeplobe computer vision supply chain


Visual Product Search

Analyze and track real-time products visually to monitor inventory needs.

deeplobe computer vision smart cities

Smart City

Video Surveillance

AI-powered system to monitor security networking and provide real-time alerts.

deeplobe computer vision aviation


Aerial Surveillance

Inspecting and detecting on floor activities and empower runway surveillance.

deeplobe computer vision tourism


Demographic Analysis

Analyze and interpret tourist demographics to drive incisive insights.

deeplobe computer vision agriculture


Monitoring Livestock Health

Identify the crop diseases and determine the health and growth of trees.

deeplobe computer vision content moderation entertainment


Content Moderation

Predict and run customer sentiments to optimize content management systems.

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